I’m trying to get rope to work with omnicomplete in Vim. To do this, I want to use rope-omni to provide the omnifunc.
easy_install ropevim
This fails because macvim still can’t import ropevim, even though I have it installed. The problem seems to be that macvim is linked against the system python, not the homebrew python (through which everything else is installed). I don’t like this.
Okay, here goes… following these instructions: http://buntin.org/2011/05/12/os-x-hombrew-macvim-and-python-2-7-1-troubles/
Uninstalled MacVim. Then did:
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/
sudo rm Current
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
brew install macvim
brew linkapps
Cool! Now the macvim python path seems to be using the /usr/local/Cellar python, not the system one, as desired.
Now I can have successful auto-completion of class methods (such as self.abc, etc), which previously didn’t work with the built-in pythoncomplete#Complete. I’ve saved myself literally seconds of typing with my hours of research and hacking!
Robin Deits 28 February 2012